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miércoles, 15 de diciembre de 2010

Domestic Violence in CostaRica

Every day that you turn your TV on for checking the news there are always reports regarding some type of violence, specially, Domestic Violence against woman or children. This type of aggressive behavior happens all over the world; however, our main concern is that it is increasing in Costa Rica lately. Just for year 2000 the volume of complaints for domestic violence increased from 32643 to 38849, amount which exceeds year 1999. by 6206 more cases, according to Article: Medicina Legal de Costa Rica - Violencia doméstica y medidas cautelares, by Lic Juan Diego Rojas. Costa Rica has several laws against Domestic Violence in order to help the victims and provide some kind of legal protection, one of them is the following: Ley contra la Violencia Doméstica N° 7586 of April 10 1986. However, something to rescue is that most of the time these laws regulations are not entirely followed, while processing some of the few Domestic Violence complaints that reach Court and in some other cases, the victims are way too afraid or ashamed to come forward with it.
One of my co-workers at my job suffered of Domestic Violence, her name is: Elizabeth. She got married very young around 19 years old. According to Elizabeth, first years were great and fun; however, with time, the aggressions started. The boy that she once loved started beating her up, every day, until she started beating him to.
Today, they no longer live together; however, these kinds of situations are just tracks of pain.


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