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miércoles, 15 de diciembre de 2010

Blind side Movie essay

                                                      The Blind side Movie

                The “Blind Side” movie is an American movie release in 2009 about an American football player, which storyline is really expected, a rich white American family that “saved” a black poor American boy from life poverty and helps him become a successful and professional person. It is interesting to “take into account” the fact that this movie is one of many others, where it is always a wealthy or successful white family “saving“ a black family or person and not the other way around, like there were not also a lot of rich or successful black families that have helped white poor people too. This situation is just one of the many examples where black people are not treated entirely with equity, where all their good actions and behaviors are hidden; however, all bad situations or mistakes are highlighted.

               In the “Blind Side” movie, Michael Oher (the black poor boy) has being from a foster home to another. He was taken away from his mother by the government for being a drug addict and not having a stable job; which also shows the story of an irresponsible mother, that appear not to show much love for their children, as her two sons (including Michael) are from different men whom she does not even remember their names, maybe because her drug status addiction, besides, her house is shown a bit messy and dirty. Now, although this story is not entirely a lie, since there are a lot of drug addict people in the world both white and black and the situations maybe very similar, this movie just presents a neighborhood with only black people living in poverty and being drug addict, no scenes included examples of white or Chinese, ect, people under this conditions. However, today there are a lot of black families that do not belong to a “Ghetto” or live or produce drugs, nevertheless, violent, actually, most of them are loving and gentle people that care about others, work and have their own profession, plus, they achieve these on their own.

                Let me rescue, that I do not have anything against white people (most of my real life friends are white) and most of them are also loving and gentle people as the movie states as an example, where the Tuohy family helped Michael to achieve a better education by finishing high school and getting into university, which allow him today to become a successful and rich football player.

                A lot of people today are scare in some way or expect very much less from black people. Because they are in some way “ignorant” and expect them to be violent, thieves, drug addict or lazy, that is the reason why black people today have to work the “double” or sometimes “triple” of the rest of people to prove this “deal thinking” wrong and finally be treated with equity and respect as they well deserve. Examples of movies such as “Blind Side”, “Precious”, ect are certainly not helping, because they focus only on the bad side or bad attitudes of some black people, not in the good part. I mean every culture have their bad and good side. What will you think will be the situation if it where the other way around? Lots of bad press, including movies and stories examples of white people.

                  The only situation that I would like to rescue right now is the fact that it would also be appreciate some examples of movies, stories, ect of black people or families performing such “good heart” acts, like the one appreciated in the movie, because they are a lot. I will also encourage people to learn to develop their own criteria. Both will help to establish a better equity situation between white and black people and maybe also between poor and rich people.

Marijuana legalization Essay

                                         Marijuana legalization
          For the last years a lot of countries had debated about the convenience of the marijuana’s legalization, the last place to decide was California, US, where people voted NO, but in countries like Netherland people said YES. This controversial matter has divided people in two groups, one of them says that marijuana’s legalization is a “crazy” idea; because, they think it could cause more corruption, and the security will decrease with the approval; however, the other group thinks this approval could be the best resolution to avoid the abused use of this drug, decrease narcotrafic business, and it provides better treatments in the medical area; therefore, the marijuana’s legalization has more benefits than disadvantages.
           Some people say that narcotrafic will be the same whether the marijuana is legalized or not, so it will always be present. However, they are wrong because if the marijuana is legalized the governments will have to regulate this activity by controlling the production and distribution around the country. People should not longer want to buy illegal marijuana if they can buy it legally, which could decrease prices on illegal marijuana until the point of eliminating narcotrafic. This model was implemented in Netherland many years ago, which caused narcotrafic of marijuana’s to disappear in this country (Ministerie VWS).
           The marijuana has become very successful in the medicine field because of the therapeutic advantages above other drugs. It is actually one of the least toxic drugs available, which can effectively and safely be combined with any mediation and has a wide range of application healing. Following a referendum in California on November 8, 1996, proposition 215 was adopted authorizing physicians to prescribe marijuana, as well as nurses, responsible for a number of patients, to cultivate this plant by strict control and therapeutic purposes only. It’s into a force at the federal level is pending approval by the U.S. Congress, according to the Article: “Usos medicinales del Cannabis”. People that denied the legalization of this healing drug are “running over” at all the people with diseases such as: Glaucoma, Asthma, Epilepsy and spasm, anorexia and depression, plus other different types of synchronous pain. Because all of them use this drug for healing purposes such as: pressure overrides, preventing nausea and vomiting, stimulation of appetite, it helps invigorates the patient, as a bronchodilator and as a relaxant, plus, for the mitigation of Childbirth, menstruation and chemotherapy pain.
            In “Marijuana’s legalization issue”, an important benefit for modern cultures and societies, because of the huge amounts of dollars that governments invest every year to avoid the consume and also the distribution and business around marijuana, after the possibility to the legalization, for sure the governments will save these resources, so they can invest in social problematic and increase the quality of social life style. As a result, they also can implement to avoid the temptation to look for the prohibit customs that teenagers and childhood usually use to practice nowadays, this temptation to practice and try what all society hide for them, what is bad, what they want to know and their parents avoid to them; without any doubt with the legalization the “taboo” about the looking for the prohibit things is solved, and the marijuana will appear like something normal like cigarettes and a bottle of alcohol; of course they are all vicious, that are never recommended.
           Finally, it’s known that drugs are not good whichever the kind could be, but also we all have to accept that marijuana is now part of our society, accept that no matter if the person who use marijuana is 15, 20, 25 or 35 years old, everybody is susceptible to get the vicious and be consumed by the marijuana; that’s why the legalization is necessary and should be done as soon as possible because it’s not just the best way to combat the marijuana, maybe it is the only one way to avoid it!

Pollution – Causes and Effects-

                                  Pollution – Causes and Effects-
          Nowadays, pollution is a very harmful and serious problem, which most people do not care. Nevertheless people should contribute on the prevention and in a fix of this situation, because if it continues the planet will no longer be habitable for neither animals nor people. There are several kinds of pollution; for example, the most common are air, water and land pollution. It is important than every human being have in mind the consequences of pollution if it grows more each day and the result of this on the future of all children.
         The land pollution is the degradation of Earth’s land surfaces; it is caused by human activities like exploitation of minerals, inadequate agricultural, and urban and industrial wastes. Some statics from the green students in the USA says that every year one American produces over 3285 pounds of hazardous waste and, over 80% of these items in landfills can be recycled, but they’re not. In other words, the major sources of this problem are because people do not care about the end of their wastes or activities as a result of the Urbanization and Industrialization (wikipedia); as a consequence, people who live or work in nearby areas, could suffer from health-problems like deformities, cancers, respiratory and skin problems and it can lead to birth defects (buzzle and earthplatform).
          Second type is Air pollution, which includes all contaminants found in the atmosphere, which dangerous substances can be either in the form of gases or particles. Every day, the average person inhales about 20,000 liters of air, according to "Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in 1985"; therefore, every time we breathe, we risk inhaling these dangerous chemicals and contaminated gases. Air pollutants have sources that are both natural and human; however, most of this pollution is the result of human activity such as: excessive burning of fossil fuels, automobiles combustion and the utilization of agrochemical substances and aerosols. Air pollution has several bad effects over human health since it increases the appearance of diseases like: bronchitis, lung cancer and heart disorders. In addition, it affects the survival of both plants; because, their leaves become deteriorate and animals because they suffer diseases and die.
        The water covers over 70% of the Earth’s surface and it is a very important resource for the different species in the earth and the environment. However the pollution affects drinking water, rivers, lakes and oceans all over the world. This type of pollution may not damage our health immediately but can be dangerous with the pass of the time causing diseases like cholera and hepatitis illness which can cause the death. In addition, rain acid can harm the health of marine life in the rivers and lakes as a result can produce a disrupting the growth of photosynthetic plants, micro-organisms and other aquatic organisms that depends on this natural environment to survive created some extinctions of the species. These consequences start due some chemical pollution cause mainly to the technologies development that occurred with the pass of the time, the oil and petrol from the ships.
          People know those problems about pollution, and most of us understand the harmful effects; however, we sometimes think that those consequences could never affect us, so we continue contaminating; destroying ourselves and also the environment, which nowadays is less habitable than before. The only solution to this problem is to create awareness on people of the consequences of pollution, which will “awake” their interest to start taking actions to stop it, such as: recycling, reusing and reducing waste. This was all the point of this essay, to help create awareness of the severity of this problem.

 Wikipedia.   “Land Pollution”. Was modified on 01/12/10. Taken the 06/12/10 from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Land_pollution.
Wikipedia.   “Air Pollution”. Was modified on 10/12/10. Taken the 09/12/10 from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Air_pollution.
EarthPlatform.com. “Land Pollution”. 2010. Taken the 06/12/10 from http://www.earthplatform.com/c/pollution/land.
GreenstudentU.com. “Pollution”. 2008-2010. Taken the 06/12/10 from http://www.greenstudentu.com/encyclopedia/pollution.
“Water Pollution”. Taken the 06/12/10 from http://library.thinkquest.org/26467/water_pollution.htm.
The Guides Network. “Water Pollution Guide”. 2003-2010. Taken the 06/12/10 from http://www.water-pollution.org.uk/health.html.
Tom Soncha. “Air Pollution Cause and Effects”. 09/11/2007. Taken the 09/12/10 from  http://healthandenergy.com/air_pollution_causes.htm.

Effects of Globalization processes on the increase of diseases

Globalization processes such as:  travel patterns, trade with technological developments and environment alterations have increased the spread of infectious diseases across the world.  Today the travel patterns of people have increased, because of the efficient and inexpensive access to different modes of transportation.  “In 2008, there were over 922 million international tourist arrivals…” according to Article: “Tourism” From Wikipedia, free encyclopedia online. This behavior causes people germs to transmit to other people in other countries, which also favor disease evolution because of the mutation and combination of these germs, causing stronger or new diseases. Another process will be the trade with technological developments, were technologies such as: ships, trucks and aircraft that move products, food, ect also facilitate the transfers of diseases from a place to another, because sometimes rats and other rodents are able to access such transportations and not only contaminate with germs some of the products, but also stay in some of the destinations. One example is the West Nile Virus, “ which it is believed that this disease reached the United States via  mosquitoes that crossed the ocean by riding in airplane wheel wells and arrived in New York City in 1999”, according to article: “Globalization and disease” from Wikipedia.  Last, but not less important will be the environment alterations such: deforestation and contamination, which causes some animals with their own diseases to migrate from a country to another, where sometimes these diseases are transmitted to humans. Certainly, globalization facilitate infectious diseases to spread easily, therefore, it should be a major concern both for the developing countries and developed countries.

Disadvantages of immigration

Immigrants cause several disadvantages on countries where they arrived. One of them is greater poverty because immigrants’ income is usually lower than natives; therefore, more vulnerable to be affected by downturns in the economy (newbatch). This information is reflected in immigrants’ children poverty rates, which have increased between 1970 and 2000 in 10%, and poor children of native just increased 0.6% (Poverty Grows Among Children of Immigrants in US). Many immigrants cannot study because of education cost, so they receive low education than native, same happen with the health, that in many cases is impossible to pay social security packages. Because of the information above it is desirable to reduce as much as possible the number of immigrants to arrive from foreign countries.

Van Hook, Jennifer. Poverty Grows Among Children of Immigrants in US. December, 2003. Retrieved on October, 10, 2010.
Immigration Policy Issues. May, 2010. Retrived on October, 10, 2010. From


I good example of a really poor person gone extremely rich is Ingvar Kamprad. He reaches headlines in 2004 for being the owner and founder of IKEA company, which according to Forbes magazine has an estimated fortune of US$33 billion which makes him the 4th richest man in the world. Kamprad was born in the South of Sweden in 1926, he grows at a farm called Elmtaryd. As a young boy (15 years old) he started to develop a business selling matches to his neighbors using his own bicycle. He figures out that he could buy matches in bulk; therefore, there will be cheaper, he also could sell them individually at a lower price and still make a good profit. "From matches he expanded to selling fish, Christmas tree decorations, seeds and later ball-points pens and pencils", according to article: "Born Poor, Drop Out and Got Rich - The Billionaire's Story" by Travis Foster.
When Kamprad was 17, because he succeeded in his studies, his father gave him some money as a reward and he used that cash to establish what has grown to be IKEA corporation. In case your are wondering what IKEA stands for, it came from the initials of his name (I), last name (k), the name of the farm he was brought up (E) and the village where it was located (A). Kamprad continue to expand his business to a variety of goods, including wallets, watches, jewelry and stockings and after he outgrew his ability to call on his customers individually, he converted to a sort of milk delivery business. Although he is a really wealthiest person, he is really humble, according to same Article mention above: "He takes the subway to work, and when he drives, it's an old Volvo".


Weapons of mass destruction

A weapon of mass destruction (WMD) is a weapon which can harm or kill a significant or big amount of people, destroy cities or nature structures, such as, forests or the biosphere in general at one stroke. WMD's can be classify under the following technologies: chemical or biological (any weapon involving a biological agent, toxin or poisonous chemicals) and radiological or nuclear (any weapon designed to release radiation or radioactivity at a level dangerous to human life or other species). The first time that a well classify WMD was utilized was by United States of America, whose atomic bomb delivery over Hiroshima and Nagasaki caused massive death and DNA diseases for a long period of time. Today, many already have WMD, or have the capability to produce them, and an increasing number are in process of acquiring and developing such weapons. According to article of Dr. Mohamed ElBaradei on May 2003, who stated that: the following countries have declared they possess nuclear weapons and are known to have tested them: Republic of China, France, India, Pakistan, Russia, the United Kingdom, the United States of America, and North Korea. One of the main reasons of this mass destruction weapons proliferation is ultimately a balance of power through nuclear deterrence and fear.


Global Warming

Global warning can be understand as the alarming increases on the average temperature of the World, they are several causes, which can be split in two groups: natural and man-made. Natural causes are the ones created by nature and Man-made are the ones created as result of humans actions, some examples maybe: pollution, burning of fossil fuels, excesive cut of threes and forest, ect. We all have experience at some point the bad effects of these climate change. All over the world, preventive measures have started to be follow with the intention of decreasing Global Warming. In order to reduce the dependence of fossil fuels, people are encourage to travel more both through public transportations such as trains or eco-buses and performing car pooling. Regarding energy consumption at home, it is recomended to utilize fluorescent lamps instead of incandescent light and turning off all electronic appliances not being use at the moment. Recycling, is a strong measure against Global warming, which includes: bottles, paper, bags, organic waste and any other object capable to be re-utilize. Because, we all know that trees and forest are our best oxygen cleaners, in order to reduce carbon dioxide, people are also encourage to plant one tree for everyone that is cut down; in addition, make sure to have or plant trees in their surroundings wherever vacant lands are available.



Domestic Violence in CostaRica

Every day that you turn your TV on for checking the news there are always reports regarding some type of violence, specially, Domestic Violence against woman or children. This type of aggressive behavior happens all over the world; however, our main concern is that it is increasing in Costa Rica lately. Just for year 2000 the volume of complaints for domestic violence increased from 32643 to 38849, amount which exceeds year 1999. by 6206 more cases, according to Article: Medicina Legal de Costa Rica - Violencia doméstica y medidas cautelares, by Lic Juan Diego Rojas. Costa Rica has several laws against Domestic Violence in order to help the victims and provide some kind of legal protection, one of them is the following: Ley contra la Violencia Doméstica N° 7586 of April 10 1986. However, something to rescue is that most of the time these laws regulations are not entirely followed, while processing some of the few Domestic Violence complaints that reach Court and in some other cases, the victims are way too afraid or ashamed to come forward with it.
One of my co-workers at my job suffered of Domestic Violence, her name is: Elizabeth. She got married very young around 19 years old. According to Elizabeth, first years were great and fun; however, with time, the aggressions started. The boy that she once loved started beating her up, every day, until she started beating him to.
Today, they no longer live together; however, these kinds of situations are just tracks of pain.
